Aims and Scope
Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Research (JOMR) is a peer-reviewed international scientific journal dedicated to spread new knowledge and information of all sciences relevant to oral and maxillofacial associated structures in health and disease. JOMR aims to facilitate the application of new scientific knowledge at the highest possible level to the daily practice of the concerned disciplines and addresses both practicing clinicians and academics.
Rapid publication from acceptance to print provides timely communication of the latest research to the global oral, dental and maxillofacial community.
Academics and clinicians enjoy online access ensuring a very broad international readership and wide dissemination to researchers and clinicians in the field.
Oral, dental and craniofacial researchers and clinical scientists, dentists, oral and dental policy-makers, dental educators and hard-tissue scientists.
Charges, Processing Fees
To promote the widest readership possible, JOMR is offered as open access journal. Therefore, all the content is freely and permanently available online without any of subscription fees.
Moreover, to spread the pure scientific and non-commercial JOMR purposes, there are no hidden charges or any processing/publication costs to the authors.
Publication Frequency
JOMR content is published electronically on a quarterly basis:
1. First issue is published by the end of March;
2. Second by the end of June;
3. Third by the end of September;
4. Fourth by the end of December.
Article Types Accepted for Publication
- Original scientific articles - biological, clinical and biomaterials and bioengineering original research articles;
- Literature reviews - from the systematic to meta-analysis reviews of basic and clinical science related to oral and maxillofacial pathology;
- Clinical case reports - clinical case series analyses for dentists, oral pathologists and maxillofacial surgeons, other specialists of medicine and public health as well as for researchers.
Internet-Based Peer Review Process
All the articles submitted to JOMR will be reviewed by the selected experts in the respective topics covered by the article.
JOMR has number of reviewers for specific fields of dentistry and maxillofacial pathology. Reviewers are deemed to have the relevant experience and expertise to provide a full and cogent review of the manuscript.
Subsequently, authors will be promptly notified of the publication decision and/or necessary revisions. Accepted articles will be edited for consistency and clarity prior to their publication.
Indexing and Abstracting
Once the recent JOMR issue is published online, then the articles are prepared for indexing in the databases.
First, the full text articles are published in PubMed Central (PMC), and then the abstracts are collected and soon included by PubMed (Medline).
Abstracts are also available at Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
JOMR full text publications are also linked and available online by Europe PubMed Central.